About Us

Jobflis was founded by two friends who shared a clear vision: to provide valuable and up-to-date information in a chaotic digital world. From that shared vision, this platform was born—a place where you can find relevant information and news about the job market with just one click.

jobflis uk

Our mission is to deliver the best possible content, free of charge, so that you’re always informed and prepared.

2. Our Business Model

At Jobflis, we operate under a business model based on affiliate marketing and advertising. Throughout our website, you’ll find banners and sponsored links, primarily provided by Google Adsense. Jobflis earns a commission for each click or purchase made through these ads, allowing us to keep the platform free, fast, and accessible for all our users.

Content quality is our top priority. That’s why a significant portion of our revenue goes towards hiring specialized writers who work hard to bring you the most current and relevant news in the job market.

3. Topics We Cover

While Jobflis covers a wide range of topics, a few serve as our core pillars:

3.1 Employment

We are committed to bringing you the best job opportunities available worldwide. Our mission is to combat unemployment by providing accurate and up-to-date information on job vacancies.

3.2 Rights

It’s crucial that you know your rights and responsibilities. At Jobflis, we strive to raise awareness among our readers by providing key information that helps them defend their rights.

4. Our Team

Remember those two friends we mentioned at the beginning? They are the heart of Jobflis, but today, we have grown into a team of over 20 dedicated professionals. Our team is spread across countries like Brazil, the United States, Canada, Spain, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, and many others.

This diverse and committed team works tirelessly to keep you informed and to support you in your job search and educational endeavors.

If you have any questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to contact us at contact@jobflis.com. We’d be delighted to hear from you and learn more about you.

5. Our Values

At Jobflis, we are guided by strong and transparent values. We are committed to producing honest and high-quality content, always ensuring your safety and satisfaction.

We are constantly innovating, seeking new ways to improve and expand our services. We value our audience’s feedback and work hard to meet their needs and interests.

6. Social Impact

We are aware of the positive social impact that Jobflis generates, and we take great pride in it. In today’s ever-evolving digital world, we believe it’s crucial for all platforms to be mindful of the impact they have on their users.

One of our primary goals is to promote education. We firmly believe that education and personal development are essential for growth. That’s why, in our courses section, we strive to offer the best educational opportunities that can make a positive difference in your life and career.

7. Our Future Goals

We are thrilled with the growth of Jobflis and have ambitious goals for the coming years. We want you to join us on this journey.